Amazon Has Gel Pens on Flash Sale!

If you’re an E2E long-timer, you know that I “reinforce” my colleagues with gel pens. By February, it’s getting to be slim pickings in the gel pen basket; nobody is reinforced by pale yellow or brown. Time to restock! If you’ve got Amazon prime, you can get 107 gel pens for $17.00-ish for the next five hours or so. Go forth and buy them!

About sara

I have spent the last 22 years in secondary classrooms. I've run the gamut from criminal, at-risk, or behavior-disordered students to college-bound high-flyers. I am just a regular teacher like you, who learned a lot of quality information the hard way. Currently, I work with students, families, and teachers to formulate effective and creative plans for helping students change problematic behaviors into productive ones as we work together to create success for students in general education high school ELA classes.

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