What is Enraged2engaged?

A Guide for Teaching Social Skills

A truly complete guide for teaching social skills to high functioning middle and high school students with emotional and behavioral disorders, SASD or both — from the first week to the end of the school year.

If you’ve endured professional development sessions that stress the importance of social/emotional learning without providing a roadmap for how to actually teach these skills, here is your roadmap! Hands-on, teen-appropriate lessons are divided into 5 categories that align with common secondary behavioral IEP goals:

  • health/hygiene
  • organization/executive function
  • anger management
  • social interactions/friendships
  • thinking/internal monologue.

Ideal for:

  • Counseling groups
  • Social skills/interpersonal skills elective classes
  • Homeroom classes that encourage the explicit instruction of social/emotional skills
  • Special education life skills classes for high-functioning secondary students
  • At-risk teens who need help improving their social/emotional skills

Specifically designed for and tested with secondary students, lessons are age-appropriate for middle and high school students. Materials aren’t too juvenile for this population and don’t talk down to teens. Lessons apply to real-world social/emotional issues faced by higher-functioning adolescents with EBD, ASD, or ODD–as well as other at-risk teen populations–at home, at school, and in the community.