HIGH-VALUE Featured Freebie on TpT!

HEADS UP! I just put a high-value items as my featured freebie on TpT! It’s a three-week-long TURNKEY unit. GREAT for sub plans, too, and REALLY flexible. Get out there, grab it, and review! As with ALL my ELA materials, this unit plan has built-in features that make the content accessible for ALL learners.


About sara

I have spent the last 18 years in various classrooms, most of them in alternative education working with criminal, at-risk, or behavior-disordered students. I am just a regular teacher like you, who learned a lot of quality information the hard way. Currently, I work with students, families, and teachers to formulate effective and creative plans for helping students change problematic behaviors into productive ones as we work together to reintegrate students back into a general education high school setting.

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