Standardized Test-Style Daily Review Qs for The Things They Carried–Now on TpT!

Last year, I started getting serious about my test prep. You can read all about that in my blog post about daily ACT-style review questions here. Spoiler: I lament that this is something the kids have to worry about but accept the stupid reality that standardized tests aren’t going anywhere for a while. Since then, […]

HIGH-VALUE Featured Freebie on TpT!

HEADS UP! I just put a high-value items as my featured freebie on TpT! It’s a three-week-long TURNKEY unit. GREAT for sub plans, too, and REALLY flexible. Get out there, grab it, and review! As with ALL my ELA materials, this unit plan has built-in features that make the content accessible for ALL learners.

Special E2E Sale on TpT November 17-19!

As we all try desperately to cling to the tatters of our sanity leading up to Thanksgiving Break, a fresh, quick, engaging short lesson may be the solution to your “FUCK. WHEN WILL THESE KIDS LEAVE FOR BREAK???” dilemma. Starting NOW and running through Sunday, all behavior and ELA short lessons and short adapted lit […]

“Red Flags”–A Social Skills Game That Will Save Society

My students have NO IDEA how to treat other people in relationships OR how to be treated.

Backing the F–K Off

…teachers work in a system that is designed to gaslight them and keep them in an eternal state of moral confusion. One day, we’re getting free coffees for Teacher Appreciation Week; the next, we’re sitting in a meeting with admin backing pissed off parent who doesn’t feel like their child should be asked to redo an assignment on which they cheated.

Rethinking the Structure of 90-Minute Engagement

Our intensive ELA1 kids weren’t able to do that. When Claire and I designed our 90-minute blocks as a thematic experience, it was too much for them. Even kids who liked the topic would starting wilting at about the 45-minute mark. Even though the lesson designed looked fantastic on paper, it wasn’t working with actual students.

Black Speculative Lit: Stories for Teens That “Don’t Suck”

There’s a renewed interest in the genre right now, since Octavia Butler’s Kindred was made into a series for Hulu (BTW…it’s really good). Speculative lit is a genre that gets teens thinking about the world, the consequences of actions, and the fickleness of history–one SMALL change can create a massive ripple effect.