Video-Lektionen zur Überarbeitung narrativer Essays auf YouTube (KOSTENLOSE RESSOURCE!)

I’ve got upperclassmen enrolled in end-of-the-day ELA, and they are gone a LOT for activities. My class of 19 (already small) had 10 kids out due to activities last Friday, leaving me with nine kids. It was great because my co-teacher and I were really able to sit down with those kids and hammer out revisions on their summative personal narrative essays.

Aber…what about the other ten?

I could re-teach the entire lesson again during a seminar class, but that wouldn’t leave me any time for meeting with students who are struggling. I could meet with them 1:1 before or after school (not practical, and exhausting). ORI could create a series of handy revision videos they could access to see what they had missed. Bonus: my kids with IEPs could watch the lesson all over again in Study Skills class as they revise. Ja, I thought, let’s do that!

I wanted students to be able to see how a mediocre essay could evolve over time into a much stronger piece of writing. This four-part video series is FREE on myYouTube channel. I advise watching the videos sequentially to see the progression from the originalblahessay to the pretty great one by the end of video #4. Videos only run 8-15 Protokoll, so they should be engaging enough for even distracted kids.

Topics covered are:

  • Adding Details”–Anticipating and Answering ReadersQuestions
  • Being More Descriptive”–Using Sensory Details and Figurative Language
  • Show, Don’t Tell”–Using Clues to Allow the Reader to Infer Meaning
  • Varying the Sentence Structure”–Using Dialogue to Break Up the Narrative

My own students said these were helpful, particularly because they show ONE STRATEGY at a time, using the same essay throughout. They said it made them feel like they actually knew what I wanted them to do when I told them to revise.

Check out the video series on YouTube. Wie ich sagte, es ist kostenlos…und es könnte Ihre Schüler verbessern’ erzählendes Schreiben!


Schlüsselwörter: persönliche Erzählung, Persönlicher Erzählaufsatz, sekundäre ELA, High-School-Englisch, Überarbeitung des Aufsatzes, Unterkünfte, Video-Lektionen, enraged2engaged, SIE


Über Sara

Ich habe den letzten ausgegeben 18 Jahre in verschiedenen Klassenräumen, Die meisten von ihnen arbeiten in der alternativen Bildung mit Kriminellen, in Gefahr, oder verhaltensgestörte Schüler. Ich bin nur ein normaler Lehrer wie du, die auf die harte Tour eine Menge hochwertiger Informationen gelernt haben. Zur Zeit, Ich arbeite mit Studenten, Familien, und Lehrer, um effektive und kreative Pläne zu formulieren, die den Schülern helfen, problematische Verhaltensweisen in produktive umzuwandeln, während wir zusammenarbeiten, um die Schüler wieder in eine allgemeinbildende High-School-Umgebung zu integrieren.

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