“Mais je l'ai lu sur Internet!”

I fking hate TikTok. It’s like heroin for distractable teenagers, which messes up my instructional flow, but even worse, they believe EVERYTHING they see on there. And I mean EVERYTHING. Flat Earth? Must be true. 5G chips in vaccines? Factual. Eating a tablespoon of cinnamon? Great idea. The internet can be a blessing if you know how to be a skeptical consumer of information or a curse if you just blindly accept what you see. A lot of kids fall into the latter category. I can think of some adults who ought to complete this assignment. But I digress.

We have got to help them.

Teach your students not to believe every ridiculous thing they read on the internet by debunking popular conspiracy theories AND teach them how to write a four-paragraph research essay with one easy and useful digital unit!

I wrote a research paper unit about debunking conspiracy theories that will teach them to:

  • Differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of information online.
  • Produce a four-paragraph informational/research essay with an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a reflective conclusion.

I’ve done the planning and prepping so you can focus on teaching the kids not to be a bunch of wackadoos who believe anything they see on the internet!

This essay-writing unit is highly structured and comes pre-chunked into seven separate lessons with seven separate documents. Students will tackle one paragraph or task at a time, then will combine the drafts from each document into a final copy. There is color-coding to help them, as well as extensive use of prompting organizers.

Hop onto TpT and check it out. There’s a free sample and everything!

Mots clés: ELA secondaire, écriture informationnelle, essai de recherche, E2E, enragé, Écriture guidée, modèle d'écriture, organisateur d'écriture, organisateur graphique, littératie structurée, essai fragmenté, théories du complot


Sur Sara

J'ai passé le dernier 18 années dans diverses salles de classe, la plupart d'entre eux dans l'éducation alternative travaillant avec des criminels, à risque, ou élèves ayant des troubles du comportement. Je suis juste un enseignant régulier comme toi, qui a appris beaucoup d'informations de qualité à la dure. Actuellement, Je travaille avec des étudiants, des familles, et les enseignants à formuler des plans efficaces et créatifs pour aider les élèves à changer les comportements problématiques en comportements productifs alors que nous travaillons ensemble pour réintégrer les élèves dans un établissement d'enseignement secondaire général.

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