О Творце

Greetings, fellow professionals! My name is Sara Simpson. I have spent the last 18 years in and out of various classrooms, most of them in alternative education working with criminal, рискованно, or behavior-disordered students. Я просто обычный учитель, как ты, who learned a lot of quality information the hard way.

Students won’t learn if they refuse to engage, so I’ve worked hard in my own classroom to create lessons that invite engagement. I write lessons that students will actually do, and even enjoy. I specialize in motivating kids who have been labeledun-motivatable,” and I have a consistent track record of getting results with those kids. It isn’t magic.

There’s nothing special about me or my personality. The real difference comes from how I structure my lessons and design my materials. I’ve been able to create a structure that stacks the deck in a kid’s favor. Most of the time, embarrassment or fear or embarrassment is the roadblock to learning. I create materials that remove that roadblock. Creating this much material is an enormous, time-consuming undertaking; I can save you that labor by sharing my work with you.

Don’t let a student’s unsuccessful past make you jaded. Try something new; it may work.