Tout d'abord, NOUVELLES INCROYABLES! Nous avons ajouté un troisième professeur au programme. Le coordinateur SPED secondaire du district s'est présenté mercredi dernier, nous a dit la nouvelle, et Kim est arrivé le lendemain matin. Kim est un ancien agent de probation, donc je suis sûr qu'elle ne s'enfuira pas comme si ses cheveux étaient en feu. 6 days so far, and she’s still showing up. Hooray!
Yesterday, Jenny and hosted our first Practice Tailgate Party (get the details for the two-day lesson here). This thing went down like something from a staff training video on appropriate engagement. We took pictures to prove it really happened. The sun was shining and the birds were singing; it was like a Disney movie. The students frolicked on the lawn (Oui, FROLICKED!)–playing ladders and bocce ball…throwing the football…eating hotdogs…having socially-normative conversations. It was magical. MAGICAL!
I needed a good day…and I got it.