Wann “Baukultur” Wird zur Gasbeleuchtung

We’ve all heard it: “We need to build a positive school culture.” It’s the phrase that gets tossed around every time there’s an issue with student behavior or academic performance. But let’s get real for a second—how many times has “building culture” been used to gloss over the fact that there are serious problems in […]

Die Mitternachtshektik: Warum sind Lehrer noch wach??

The other night, she was IN THE BUILDING at 1:00Bin. Our contract day starts at 7:20AM. I was like, “WTF????” Because I can give her free access to my entire product catalog. I can meet with her for an hour every other Thursday during PLC. But she needs more help than that.


Ich habe gezögert, über dieses Thema zu schreiben, weil ich das Gefühl habe, dass Negativität den Diskurs ziemlich schnell übernehmen kann, aber ich werde mich bemühen, es mit Lösungen anzugehen (Am Ende), im Gegensatz zu nur meckern. ich meine, Ich habe vor zu meckern, aber in einem, mögen, kathartische Weise. Ich glaube auch daran zu wissen, wann man den Plan beiseite legt, um Kinder zu treffen, here we […]

Warum ist es eine Beleidigung, Barron Trump zu nennen? “autistisch”?

Ich glaube auch daran zu wissen, wann man den Plan beiseite legt, um Kinder zu treffen…Rosie O’Donnell äußerte sich dazu, dass Barron Trump möglicherweise autistisch sei. Wir haben alle davon gehört. Und wenn nicht (wenn du gerade irgendwo unter einem Felsen hervorgekrochen bist), du kannst einfach googeln “Kommentar von Rosie O’Donnell Barron Trump” und Sie werden in etwa auf dem Laufenden sein 10 Sekunden. Es geschah bereits im November, so […]

Wake Up, Roosters! It’s Morning!

I write this as I sit outside the locked school at 6:02Bin. I can’t believe I’m here before the cross country coach. I’ve got at 6:30am parent meeting to discuss a student’s pending reevaluation. This kid has been having a rough time, even by my behavior classroom’s standards. I know that the kid’s mom doesn’t […]

Back to School Front-loading for Teens

I’ve read a couple of good articles with ideas to prepare younger kids with EBD and/or ASD to come back to school. This article focuses on social stories, which are great for elementary kids and lower-functioning secondary kids: https://www.iidc.indiana.edu/pages/How-to-get-your-child-with-asd-ready-for-a-new-school-year. But what about those higher-functioning teens? My students would poop their pants laughing if I tried to give […]

Chasing the Elusive Data-Corn

Jenny and I are continuing to get all set up for the new year and the new program. Part of me wants to shut down because I feel so overwhelmed with the enormity of small, time-consuming tasks we still need to accomplish in the last 10 days before the kids come, but now that we’re […]