Behavior Plans Begin At Home

One of the pitfalls of being thebehavior ladyis that everyone (E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E) you know gets put on a behavior plan at some point. And they work even more poorly at home than at work. Im Augenblick, I’ve got my longtime partner, George, on a BIP. I have had George on a BIP since I […]

Ich verurteile dich!

Being thebehavior ladyis a weird job. My contract (and my teensy, weensy, itty, bitty paycheck) saysteacher.My clipboard and walkie-talkie sayadministrator” (Even though I’m not. Seriously. I have zero power to make any decisions about anything). I’ve been going around doing a LOT of interviews with current case managers and classroom […]

IEP-Tipps für Familienbeziehungen

Seien wir ehrlich. Unsere Schüler’ Wenn diese Kinder in die High School gehen, haben die Eltern praktisch eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. Sie haben das letzte Mal verbracht 15 Jahre oder so schluckte er zwischen den Wellen des Ozeans jede Menge Luft in sich hinein, und sie sind mehr oder weniger erschöpft. Für viele Familien, the ugly reality that their soon-to-be-adult children aren’t likely […]

“In 36 Instructional Weeks”—A Phrase I Hate

If you take nothing else from my website, take this. My personal pet peeve? The phrase “In 36 instructional weeks.” I hate that. It’s pretentious and gives parents no idea when they can expect to receive formal progress monitoring. In my district, we present formal progress monitoring at the end of each 9-week grading period. […]