Está empezando a parecerse mucho a la temporada de gripe…

En todos lados. Tú. Ir.

Walmart? gente tosiendo.

Tienda de comestibles? Niño mocoso limpiando mocos en el carrito.

Gasolinera? Mujer arroja sin ceremonias repugnantes pañuelos usados ​​al suelo…desde donde procede a alzar el vuelo en la brisa helada, aterrizando húmedo en mi mejilla.

Ahhh. La magia de la temporada! Está a nuestro alrededor!

Time to make sure you’ve got those sub plans locked down, because the Red Death will find you. It’s just that time of year. Do yourself (and the secretary in the office) a solid. Tomar 30 minutes and get your sub materials ready. De esa manera, you can reduce the odds of having to take a phone call while you’re high as balls on NyQuil and codeine, as well as the odds that the secretary will slash your car tires out of spite when you return, weak and pallid, from your plague-bed.

Per the usual, I have thoughts on how to do this efficiently!

*I have addressed this issue before, back when I was still co-teaching in special education. If you would like to see an example of sub plans for secondary CT SPED, revisa El Gran Poobah de subcarpetas.

Here’s my current setup as a secondary ELA teacher with a partial-day SPED co-teacher:

1. I have aSub Centralstation in my classroom, behind my desk. This stays up ALL the time, and I personally use the seating charts and teacher copies every day. By making my sub central the same as my me-central, I ensure that my seating charts and reading materials are up-to-date without having to go out of my way to update the information in two separate locations. Other stuff in my Sub Central:

Bell schedule posters

Current seating charts

Important phone numbersoffice, nurse, attendance

Fire and tornado procedures



A stack of pre-printed emergency lessons that would take at least 90 minutes to complete. Short(ish) Story #6This is what I leave for emergency sub plans. It’s actually part of a MASSIVE bell work pack I use with my juniors. Seriously one of the best, most effective, and well-liked-by-kids resources I have ever created. I don’t know why it isn’t my best seller…?!?

Daily bell work for each class with the current bell work marked by hour. Interview SavvyThis is my seniorsbell work for the year.

Current reading for each class with the place where we left off marked.

2. I’ve got a DETAILED hour-by-hour schedule breakdown that pretty much anyone could follow. We have THREE different possible bell schedules: traditional 7-period day, odd block day, and even block day. This can be confusing for subs who don’t know the building routine. I have a separate document for EACH schedule; this simplifies things for my sub. Check out my examples here. Ahora, before you freak out and screamThat’s too much work! I would NEVER do that,” keep in mind that I only have to do MINOR tweaks to these documents each school year now that I’ve got the basic template done. And now YOU can make a copy and customize it for yourself. BOOM! Done.

3. I make sure I always keep essentials on my desk that a sub could use: pens/pencils, blank notebook, passes. De esa manera, they don’t have to hunt for that stuff.

Créeme. Do this. It’ll be a huge load off your mind.







Another quick plug. If you think you might be out for an extended period (days or weeks) and need turnkey ELA lessons that actually, ya sabes, teach something, PLEASE check out my short-story lessons on TpT. I actually do these units myself in December, enero, and February; if I have to be out sick, nobody misses a beat. If we have a snow day (or three), we can easily adapt. Added bonus? Every day has a structured plan and my daily prep is pretty much ZERO during a time of year when I’m feeling exhausted and depleted. Added, added bonus? It’s all digital. I make copies in Drive, then put them all into Canvas as Google Cloud assignments, then just unlock them as I go along. Easy-peasy and super flexible since I can skip around as much as I want. Y, por supuesto, it’s all SPED-friendly with built-in accommodations such as organizers, chunking, and read-aloud videos.

FREE Short Story Unit: Seasons of Self (3 Weeks!)

Not An Ordinary Love StoryShort Story Unit (3 Weeks!)

Black Science FictionShort Story Unit (2 Weeks!)

Contemporary Short Story Unit (2 Weeks!)


Palabras clave: subplanes, enfurecido2enged, E2E, lecciones de ELA secundaria llave en mano, ficción, no ficción, lectura detallada


Acerca de Sara

He pasado la última 18 años en diversas aulas, la mayoría de ellos en la educación alternativa de trabajo con penal, en riesgo, o estudiantes de conducta desordenada. Soy sólo un maestro regular como usted, quien aprendió un montón de información sobre la calidad de la manera difícil. Actualmente, Yo trabajo con los estudiantes, familias, y los maestros para formular planes eficaces y creativas para ayudar a los estudiantes cambiar los comportamientos problemáticos en los más productivos a medida que trabajamos juntos para estudiantes reintegrarse en un entorno de alta escuela de enseñanza general.

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  1. Pingback: Another Year Begins… | enraged2engaged

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