MASSIVE Summer School ELA Survival Unit!

If you’re teaching secondary ELA in summer school, I’ll bet you’ve been using a lot of colorful language as you try to figure out what on earth to do with a roomful of teenagers for five hours a day for six weeks

If you use the same materials you use during the normal school year, the blowback from the kids is horrendous: “I already READ Gatsby. Why do I have to read it AGAIN?” I mean, apparently the kid did NOT read Gatsby if he’s in summer schoolbut good luck convincing him. Noncompliance and complaining make for a looooonnnnnng day.

Так, just pull some new material they haven’t seen before! Easy, right? Onlywho has time to do that? Who has time to plan an ENTIRE YEAR OF LESSONS on the fly.

Apparently, I do.

My goal was originally to get the first semester’s stuff done before the end of the normal school year so I could take two weeks off, but Box Wine and I were feeling inspired and just did the whole thing.

It’s not JUST for summer school. I’m going to use these units during the normal school year, слишком. It’s nice to see something different and more diverse.

Серьезно. I made a literal entire year of lesson plans. Not a list of ideas. Not suggestions. Нравиться, you click on it and it takes you to the story. The kids type in the very specific writing guide I lovingly crafted. There are rubrics, because admins and parents like rubrics.

All for the bargain price of $19. BUY THIS DAMN LESSON BUNDLE (PLEASE).

And I think it’s pretty good, слишком!

This MASSIVE UNIT will take you all the way through an entire year of basic secondary ELA standards for reading and writing: narrative, argumentative, informational, research. It’s ALL HERE in four super-easy-to-follow PDFs that link to Google Drive. Make your copies, do your edits, then push out via Canvas, Schoology, or Google Classroomor go old school and print it out!

This unit is designed with the needs of both struggling readers/writers and high-flyers in mind. The topics are adult and sophisticated, but the presentation is clear with plenty of guidance.

Unique, high engagement readings and writings reflect a diversity in writers and audiences that the average ELA textbook can’t touch! NOT JUST A BUNCH OF OLD WHITE DUDES. Writings and readings are neatly merged into single documents; just push out ONE THING to assign reading, provide audio read along (when possible), engage in prewriting, then submit a final copy. There are rubrics for all the projects. There are even suggestions for interesting, relevant, timely, and current videos to watch to go along with the texts and writings.

Oh. And there should be minimal excuse-making about “this link doesn’t work. Because for EVERY ARTICLE AND STORY IN THIS ENTIRE UNIT, I created PDFs and linked to them in Google Drive!

Whatever you need, I got you covered. Rubrics? да. Readings? да. Groupings? да. Templates? да. Discussion questions so you don’t even have to think? да!

Около Сара

Я провел последний 18 годы в разных классах, большинство из них в области альтернативного образования работают с преступниками, рискованно, или беспорядочные студенты. Я просто обычный учитель, как ты, кто узнал много качественной информации трудным путем. В настоящее время, Я работаю со студентами, семьи, и учителей, чтобы сформулировать эффективные и творческие планы, помогающие учащимся превращать проблемное поведение в продуктивное, когда мы работаем вместе, чтобы реинтегрировать учащихся в общеобразовательную среднюю школу.

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