New Social Skills Course Ideas and Career Exploration Resources!

Jenny and I have been reimagining our Social Skills class for next semester. After talking to students about what they’d like to learn, an overwhelmingly-mentioned topic was career exploration. We’ll continue to follow the basic structure outlined on the website and in the E2E book, but plan to set aside time each block day (when we’ve got a 90 minute period) just to talk about job skills and careers.

As much as I love to write my own materials, I’m not interested in reinventing the wheel! As I looked around for good ideas, I stumbled upon this site from the Oklahoma Career Readiness Council. It includes a number of quality, relevant lessons pertaining to workplace preparedness.

If you’re already following the E2E class structure (get an overview here), here’s an update of how Jenny and I are tweaking it for next semester to meet the needs of our current group:

MondaysExecutive Function Day (from the E2E book or a new lesson)

  • Goals and Gratitude Journals
  • Lesson about executive function
  • Time to look at online grade book to note missing assignments, organize papers, clean out backpacks and lockers, get copies of needed work, plan for Seminar passes, так далее.

TuesdaysTargeted Lesson (from the E2E book or a new lesson)

  • Goals and Gratitude Journals
  • Lesson about a topic needed by the group

Block DaysCareer Readiness

  • Goals and Gratitude Journals
  • Lesson pertaining to career exploration and/or social skills needed for maintaining employment

FridaysGame and Craft Day

  • Goals and Gratitude Journals
  • Time to play non-electronic games together and/or work on crafts together


Около Сара

Я провел последний 18 годы в разных классах, большинство из них в области альтернативного образования работают с преступниками, рискованно, или беспорядочные студенты. Я просто обычный учитель, как ты, кто узнал много качественной информации трудным путем. В настоящее время, Я работаю со студентами, семьи, и учителей, чтобы сформулировать эффективные и творческие планы, помогающие учащимся превращать проблемное поведение в продуктивное, когда мы работаем вместе, чтобы реинтегрировать учащихся в общеобразовательную среднюю школу.

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