Почему люди ненавидят учителей? Спойлер! Это женоненавистничество!

Ah, teachers. Those lazy, overpaid, glorified babysitters who spend their summers lounging by the pool, sipping margaritas while the rest of us suffer in thereal world.At least, that’s the narrative some folks would have you believe. But let’s be honest—this wholeteachers are the root of all evilrhetoric has a lot less […]

Принуждение проблемных студентов к профессиям может стать рецептом катастрофы

There’s this idea floating around that if a kid isn’tcollege material,” we should just push them into the trades. После всего, trades are supposed to be the easier, more practical option, right? It’s a convenient way to shuffle struggling students off the academic path and into somethinghands-on,” but let’s be real: this mentality […]

Когда “Строительная культура” Становится газлайтингом

We’ve all heard it: “We need to build a positive school culture.” It’s the phrase that gets tossed around every time there’s an issue with student behavior or academic performance. But let’s get real for a second—how many times has “building culture” been used to gloss over the fact that there are serious problems in […]

Новое презентационное устройство GIGANTIC с подключением к клиенту по вопросам хронического невыхода на работу

В постоянно меняющемся ландшафте образования, содействие значимым связям между учащимися и проблемами реального мира имеет важное значение для развития критического мышления и навыков решения проблем.. Одним из убедительных способов достижения этой цели являются проекты, связанные с клиентами., где студенты активно взаимодействуют с реальным клиентом для решения насущных проблем. Одно из таких глубоких и впечатляющих заданий вращается вокруг хронической школы. […]

The Gracelessness ofGrace

By extending limitless grace, we tell students exactly what we expect of them. Apparently, we don’t expect much; there, I said it. Жестокую правду? It’s just easier to let them get away with murder and call it grace than it is to hold them accountable in ways that are effective and teachable. Maybe we just don’t have the resources, and calling it grace sounds nicer thanwe’re just too tired to fight them.

Формы сбора данных

It has long been a source of fury for me when students are moved to more restrictive settings without reliable data or without having tried every reasonable intervention to allow them to remain in the least restrictive educational setting. I’ve seen firsthand how it can turn a kid’s world upside down to be removed from […]

Stepping Away

I’ve been avoiding writing a blog entry for a while now. Honestly? It’s because I wasn’t sure what to say. I have stepped away from behavior. That’s right, I applied for an in-district transfer last year, left the program for EBD I helped to start, а также (for the first time in more than 13 years) […]

The Dumbest Kid in Class, Часть 2: Teacher Tips

After the first post, you may be thinking that the Exeter Math Institute Workshop was terrible and that the instructors were awful. That’s not the case, at all. I got some really cool ideas to share with my gen ed Algebra co-teachers when school starts that I think will benefit students. Naturally, my key focus […]