Feeling the Burn(out)

I’ve been on my first totally (хорошо…mostly) work-free summer in a few years for the past month. No meetings, few e-mails, not even a ton of work for my own website and book. Teacher burnout, particularly among behavior teachers, is a real and exhausting part of the job. There are loads of statistics, studies, а также […]

Amazon Has Gel Pens on Flash Sale!

If you’re an E2E long-timer, you know that Ireinforcemy colleagues with gel pens. By February, it’s getting to be slim pickings in the gel pen basket; nobody is reinforced by pale yellow or brown. Time to restock! If you’ve got Amazon prime, you can get 107 gel pens for $17.00-ish for the next […]

New Qualitative Data Form!

I stepped outside of my comfort zone this week and created a new, customized form to get somebig picture,” qualitative data on a student. I really like clean, unambiguous data, but even I know that qualitative (descriptive) data has its place. I’ve written before about the way the pendulum in education tends to swing […]

The Birds and The Beesof Behavior Eligibility for Administrators

Administrators have to oversee a lot of stuff. Так, when some kid is wrecking havoc on the school, things tend to get pretty bad before anyone moves forward with getting the kid evaluated, mostly because the process is confusing and there’s nobody who really knows that to do in most buildings. I was writing a […]

Why is it an insult to call Barron Trumpautistic”?

Так…Rosie O’Donnell made a comment about Barron Trump possibly being autistic. We’ve all heard about it. And if you haven’t (if you’ve just crawled out from beneath a rock somewhere), you can just googleRosie O’Donnell Barron Trump commentand you’ll be up to speed in about 10 seconds. It happened back in November, so […]

Behavior Interventions: Breaking it Down

As the new program has grown and changed this semester, I’ve found myself with little time for blogging and writing lessons. The day-to-day demands are substantial, and my fatigue (and burnout) have been the worst they’ve been since I was a first-year teacher. A major challenge Jenny and I have faced is follow-through in our […]

Little Boxes

If you watched the Showtime series, Weeds, you’re familiar with Malvina Reynolds’s song, Little Boxes. Data collection sheets, like the suburbs, are full of little boxes. тем не мение, unlike in the suburbs, it’s not acceptable for the little boxes to be all the same. Data collection is a highly personalI daresay intimateprocess. Everybody’s looking for a shortcut for amazing […]