What’s New in Book 2?

Here’s the abstract/overview from Teachers Pay Teachers. Lots of new stuff. We learned so much from the first book, and we’re bringing ourAgame this year! ********************************************** Wenn Sie berufliche Weiterbildungssitzungen absolviert haben, in denen die Bedeutung des sozialen / emotionalen Lernens hervorgehoben wird, ohne eine Roadmap für die tatsächliche Vermittlung dieser Fähigkeiten bereitzustellen, here is your […]

Book 2 Releasing on Monday. Probably. We Hope.

We’re almost ready! Book 2 is scheduled to drop on Teachers Pay Teachers on Monday morning. Ganz ehrlich, I’m a little embarrassed looking back at Book 1 now that this one is almost finished. This time, I’ve got standards alignment, cost breakdowns, supply lists, better questions, more games, links to reproducibles stored on our own server…und […]

Holy CowWhat. A. Year. (NEW FREE LESSON)

You may have noticed my absence of blog posts this spring. That’s because you can’t blog when you’re patrolling the lesser-known nooks and crannies of a high school, walkie-talkie in hand, pursuing a defiant teenager like Zaroff in The Most Dangerous Game (shout out to my English teachers!). I’ve been clipping away on the second book, […]

Mögen die Chancen immer zu Ihren Gunsten stehen!

My school starts final exams tomorrow, and the natives have been suitably restless as a combination of pre-Winter Break angst/excitement, disrupted classroom routines, and exam nerves have percolated into a vicious stew of new and interesting behaviors. Gag reel highlights include: A 20-minute-long walk at 7:40am with a student who couldn’t stay awake in class […]

Neue Kursideen für soziale Kompetenzen und Ressourcen zur Karriereerkundung!

Jenny und ich haben unseren Social Skills-Kurs für das nächste Semester neu konzipiert. Nachdem Sie mit den Schülern darüber gesprochen haben, was sie lernen möchten, Ein mit überwältigender Mehrheit genanntes Thema war die Karriereerkundung. Wir werden weiterhin der Grundstruktur folgen, die auf der Website und im E2E-Buch beschrieben ist, Planen Sie jedoch, jeden Blocktag Zeit einzuplanen (wann […]

Little Boxes

If you watched the Showtime series, Weeds, you’re familiar with Malvina Reynolds’s song, Little Boxes. Data collection sheets, like the suburbs, are full of little boxes. jedoch, unlike in the suburbs, it’s not acceptable for the little boxes to be all the same. Data collection is a highly personalI daresay intimateprocess. Everybody’s looking for a shortcut for amazing […]

New Social Skills Game Posted!

In the midst of the start-of-the-year chaos and crushing fatigue, I somehow managed to write a new social skills game, School Skills Building Bricks. We played it today in class, and the fellas (I have a class of all guys with ASD) gave it great reviews. We played for a bit over 70 minutes and […]