Entrenando a sus modelos pares (y Paras)–Presentación de diapositivas gratuita para copiar y personalizar

Mi equipo docente ha estado haciendo lo mejor de una situación podrida esta primavera. No hemos podido ver a nuestros estudiantes., y estamos decepcionados de haber perdido nuestras tradiciones de fin de año. sin embargo, nuestros modelos pares nuevos y recurrentes (profesores de cadetes) nunca he tenido más disponibilidad para asistir a sesiones de capacitación! I’ll take the positives where I can find them.

We’ve managed to schedule a total of four, thirty-minute cadet training sessions via Zoom since finishing up interviews and selecting next year’s peer models. Normally, we do this work during the summer, but I figured now was as good a time as any to get started. Everyone is excited for next year, so we’ve got great momentum right now. Además, I’m hoping this will free up time in the summer to let the cadets do more planning for lessons and activities.

Training up your peer models is an essential part of having a successful program. I didn’t really know HOW to train them up the first year I was at my current program, and the peers were sometimes broadsided by behaviors and expectations. There was frustration all around. In the three years since, I’ve gotten a better handle on what peer models need to know to walk in the door on the first day of school feeling confident and ready to be effective.

los SMSPLS Cadet Training Slideshow is a work in progress. Cada año, I add and change the content based on current student needs and feedback from cadets. This is where we’re at heading into year four. In addition to what’s in these slides, our speech language pathologist conducts training specifically addressing strategies for various speech needs; I have learned a lot from her. These materials could also be helpful for training paraprofessionals or general education teachers. Check out what I’ve got, then make a copy for yourself that you can customize to fit your program’s needs. I hope I can save some of you time and effort and give you a head start on quality training materials.

What you see here took four, 30-minute sessions to cover.

Etiquetas: ejemplos de compañeros, profesores de cadetes, -profesionales, staff training

Acerca de Sara

He pasado la última 18 años en diversas aulas, la mayoría de ellos en la educación alternativa de trabajo con penal, en riesgo, o estudiantes de conducta desordenada. Soy sólo un maestro regular como usted, quien aprendió un montón de información sobre la calidad de la manera difícil. Actualmente, Yo trabajo con los estudiantes, familias, y los maestros para formular planes eficaces y creativas para ayudar a los estudiantes cambiar los comportamientos problemáticos en los más productivos a medida que trabajamos juntos para estudiantes reintegrarse en un entorno de alta escuela de enseñanza general.

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