New Social Skills Game Posted!

In the midst of the start-of-the-year chaos and crushing fatigue, I somehow managed to write a new social skills game, School Skills Building Bricks. We played it today in class, and the fellas (I have a class of all guys with ASD) gave it great reviews. We played for a bit over 70 minutes and […]

Back to School Front-loading for Teens

I’ve read a couple of good articles with ideas to prepare younger kids with EBD and/or ASD to come back to school. This article focuses on social stories, which are great for elementary kids and lower-functioning secondary kids: But what about those higher-functioning teens? My students would poop their pants laughing if I tried to give […]

NEW, Free Lesson Plan Posted!

I’m getting back into the swing of things and gearing up for the start of the new school year in August. I’ve written a new lesson that teaches kids/teens how to stay on topic in conversations, and it’s posted on on the resources page (“Roundtable Repartee”). Please sign up to get e-mail notifications about […]

“А также, Now, for ‘Plan B’!”

I am, by nature, aplanner.I thoroughly enjoy mapping out calendars, making to-do lists, and generally knowing what’s going to happen roughly a year in advance. I love Google Calendar, Google Keep, and the Note application on my iPad. I plan out Girl Scout meetings for my daughter’s troop 14 months in advance; я […]

#5: Greasing the Wheels (Sucking Up to Your Colleagues)

***This is the fifth blog post in a continuing series detailing the launch of a new district EBD center housed inside a traditional high school. I know you may find this difficult to believe, but my colleagues are feeling some trepidation about the 17 children with severe behavior problems coming to their school in August. I know. […]

#4 The (Надзор) Матрица «Есть разница между знанием пути и прохождением пути. “

***This is the fourth blog post in a continuing series detailing the launch of a new district EBD center housed inside a traditional high school. Yep. I just quoted The Matrix. Because–Lord knows–engaging in this line of work will, most surely, open your eyes to all sorts of alternate realities. We may be at school, but it’s a […]

#3: Бог в деталях (то есть. “Куры продолжают клевать”)

***Это третья запись в продолжающейся серии, в которой подробно рассказывается об открытии нового районного центра EBD, расположенного в традиционной средней школе.. Теперь, когда “обычный” учебный год закончился, Дженни и я в гуще подготовки к новой программе. Я думал, что меня будет тянуть в меньшем количестве направлений. […]

“Кто дает финал в социальных навыках?!?”

Pfft. That one’s easy to answer: every single teacher who works in a school that requires all credit courses to culminate in a final exam. That’s who. School districts aren’t too keen on ideas likethe real benchmark of a student’s success will come not in the classroom, but in the corridors outside of it.” […]