Vielleicht ist es in Ordnung, KEINEN Roman zu unterrichten…?

In einer perfekten Welt, Würden meine Schüler ihre Aufgaben erfüllen und all die großartigen Bücher lesen, die ich liebe?? Gut, ähm. Ja. Aber ich unterrichte nicht in einer perfekten Welt.

The Mandela EffectA Research Lesson That’ll Make Their Heads Explode!

We’re getting ready to delve into research essays, and I wanted to create a lesson that would grab their attention and get them excited about nonfiction reading and note-taking.

Because Murder is More Engaging. That’s Why.

ich meine, screw “1-2-3, Eyes on Me!” as an attention-getter; just record thedum-dumfrom Law and Order SVU

Red Flags”–A Social Skills Game That Will Save Society

My students have NO IDEA how to treat other people in relationships OR how to be treated.