Социальные навыки в эпоху короны

Social Skills in the Age of Corona

Я знаю, что многие учителя изрядно недовольны тем, как прошел учебный год. Нам было тяжело. Во-первых, Я был очень расстроен тем, что мне пришлось начинать с нуля переделывать все в моем классе социальных навыков, чтобы он решал текущие проблемы и работал в удаленной среде.. Я имею в виду, когда вы мысленно подготовили себя к тому, что скоро наступит ваш год, пандемия - это сильный удар по зубам. Но я натянул свои трусики с большими учителями (Спасибо, COVID Пятнадцать!) и приступил к работе.

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

I’ve written and spoken a lot about the link between undesired behaviors and classwork that is too difficult for students. I’ve been following my convictions about this for the past year and am pleased to announce that I have opened a sister store on Teachers Pay Teachers, Универсально Разработанный. Right now, my focus is on reworking […]

Универсально Разработанный: Coming Soon!

I’ve been working on a new product line since January that I hope to roll out for a soft launch this summer. After finding that there are VERY few lower Lexile versions of texts in the most commonly-adopted literature books at my high school (and even FEWER that were actually engaging and of good quality), […]

Free Lesson: Do’s and Don’ts of Workplace Grooming Slideshow Templates

My students are focused on all things work-related between now and the end of March. We had some discussions in class yesterday about skills we wanted to make sure we addressed, and students and cadets wanted to be sure we talked about looking professional (good grooming) in the workplace. I see lots of teachers assigning […]

Questions You Just Don’t Ask

After enjoying nearly two weeks of Winter Break spent wearing sweatpants and not brushing my hair, my colleagues and I were back at work today. We didn’t have students today, which is probably the best choice in terms of their safety. A bunch of cheese-bloated, middle-aged teachers coming in fresh off half a month of […]

Sensory Grounding BINGO

Новый, FREE lesson on enraged2engaged.com, E2E Sensory Grounding BINGO! After one of our functional kids with ASD had a scary meltdown in class a few weeks ago, the group (peer models and students) unanimously voted on a coping skills unit for the next round of lessons. New-teaching-partner Chris, the cadets (сверстники), and I have […]

Brand New E2E Game Available on TpT!

I wrote a new game! E2E Awk-Words on TeachersPayTeachers I have seriously been trying to think of a good game to call Awk-Words for the past two years. This is the culmination of a dream. E2E Awk-Words is a printable card game that will encourage students to roleplay and discuss normative (and not-normative) responses to common […]

All-New Game: E2E Получить мою козу

I’ve written my first game specifically designed with my current class of functional high school students in mind. I feel relieved to have revived my lesson-planning mojo. The vibe of a functional class is SO DIFFERENT from the high functioning kids with EBD and ASD I’ve taught for so many years. I’m astonished by the […]

Новая книга–Менее Разъяренный, Тем не менее помолвлен–продается! Бесплатные уроки!

Мы до гонок! Новая книга, Менее Разъяренный, Тем не менее помолвлен: Еще один год социальных навыков Уроки для подростков с эмоциональными / поведенческих расстройств или расстройств аутистического спектра в прямом эфире на Teachers Pay Учителей. Есть четыре совершенно БЕСПЛАТНО НОВЫЕ УРОКИ, доступные в листинговой ссылку; просто нажмите на выбор предварительного просмотра в списке. Мы также […]