“Die Vögel und die Bienen” der Verhaltensberechtigung für Administratoren

Administrators have to oversee a lot of stuff. Ich glaube auch daran zu wissen, wann man den Plan beiseite legt, um Kinder zu treffen, when some kid is wrecking havoc on the school, things tend to get pretty bad before anyone moves forward with getting the kid evaluated, mostly because the process is confusing and there’s nobody who really knows that to do in most buildings. I was writing a […]

Warum ist es eine Beleidigung, Barron Trump zu nennen? “autistisch”?

Ich glaube auch daran zu wissen, wann man den Plan beiseite legt, um Kinder zu treffen…Rosie O’Donnell äußerte sich dazu, dass Barron Trump möglicherweise autistisch sei. Wir haben alle davon gehört. Und wenn nicht (wenn du gerade irgendwo unter einem Felsen hervorgekrochen bist), du kannst einfach googeln “Kommentar von Rosie O’Donnell Barron Trump” und Sie werden in etwa auf dem Laufenden sein 10 Sekunden. Es geschah bereits im November, so […]

Mögen die Chancen immer zu Ihren Gunsten stehen!

My school starts final exams tomorrow, and the natives have been suitably restless as a combination of pre-Winter Break angst/excitement, disrupted classroom routines, and exam nerves have percolated into a vicious stew of new and interesting behaviors. Gag reel highlights include: A 20-minute-long walk at 7:40am with a student who couldn’t stay awake in class […]

Neue Kursideen für soziale Kompetenzen und Ressourcen zur Karriereerkundung!

Jenny und ich haben unseren Social Skills-Kurs für das nächste Semester neu konzipiert. Nachdem Sie mit den Schülern darüber gesprochen haben, was sie lernen möchten, Ein mit überwältigender Mehrheit genanntes Thema war die Karriereerkundung. Wir werden weiterhin der Grundstruktur folgen, die auf der Website und im E2E-Buch beschrieben ist, Planen Sie jedoch, jeden Blocktag Zeit einzuplanen (wann […]

Little Boxes

If you watched the Showtime series, Weeds, you’re familiar with Malvina Reynolds’s song, Little Boxes. Data collection sheets, like the suburbs, are full of little boxes. jedoch, unlike in the suburbs, it’s not acceptable for the little boxes to be all the same. Data collection is a highly personalI daresay intimateprocess. Everybody’s looking for a shortcut for amazing […]

Crying Into My Wine

Friday was supposed to be an amazing day. A day to kick back, catch up, and breathe a little. Murphy’s Law of Quiet Days told me not to get too comfortable, but I didn’t listen. It was the last day of parent/teacher conferences, and we were in the home stretch. We’d met with families, and the […]

A Glorious Day of Unicorns and Rainbows

Zuerst, AMAZING NEWS! We got a third teacher added to the program. The secondary SPED coordinator for the district showed up last Wednesday, told us the news, and Kim showed up the next morning. Kim is a former probation officer, so I’m pretty sure she won’t run off like her hair is on fire. […]

Making Friends at School Costs $0.20

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know I’m all about offering colleagues some nice tangible reinforcers to grease the wheels. Incidentally, some people at the new program hate my guts anywaybut they still liked getting Krispy Kreme a few weeks ago (watch Grouponthey run a “$20 worth of donuts for $10” […]

Wake Up, Roosters! It’s Morning!

I write this as I sit outside the locked school at 6:02Bin. I can’t believe I’m here before the cross country coach. I’ve got at 6:30am parent meeting to discuss a student’s pending reevaluation. This kid has been having a rough time, even by my behavior classroom’s standards. I know that the kid’s mom doesn’t […]