New Social Skills Game Posted!

In the midst of the start-of-the-year chaos and crushing fatigue, I somehow managed to write a new social skills game, School Skills Building Bricks. We played it today in class, and the fellas (I have a class of all guys with ASD) gave it great reviews. We played for a bit over 70 minutes and […]

Stop the RideI Wanna Get Off!

We survived the first week of the new program. I’m not gonna lie. It wasn’t pretty. It’s Saturday night, and I’m still trying to recover. You know it was a tough one when scrubbing the ring out of your kidstoilet at home looks like a smashing-good time. So many things haven’t quite turned out […]

Back to School Front-loading for Teens

I’ve read a couple of good articles with ideas to prepare younger kids with EBD and/or ASD to come back to school. This article focuses on social stories, which are great for elementary kids and lower-functioning secondary kids: But what about those higher-functioning teens? My students would poop their pants laughing if I tried to give […]

Chasing the Elusive Data-Corn

Jenny and I are continuing to get all set up for the new year and the new program. Part of me wants to shut down because I feel so overwhelmed with the enormity of small, time-consuming tasks we still need to accomplish in the last 10 days before the kids come, but now that we’re […]

Ich denke, hier kann sich meine fast obsessive Planung als nützlich erweisen, Ich denke, hier kann sich meine fast obsessive Planung als nützlich erweisen!

I’m getting back into the swing of things and gearing up for the start of the new school year in August. I’ve written a new lesson that teaches kids/teens how to stay on topic in conversations, and it’s posted on on the resources page (“Roundtable Repartee”). Please sign up to get e-mail notifications about […]

#5: Ich denke, hier kann sich meine fast obsessive Planung als nützlich erweisen (Ich denke, hier kann sich meine fast obsessive Planung als nützlich erweisen)

***This is the fifth blog post in a continuing series detailing the launch of a new district EBD center housed inside a traditional high school. I know you may find this difficult to believe, but my colleagues are feeling some trepidation about the 17 children with severe behavior problems coming to their school in August. I know. […]

#4 Das (Aufsicht) Matrix „Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen den Weg kennen und den Weg gehen. „

***Dies ist der vierte Blogbeitrag in einer fortlaufenden Serie, in der die Eröffnung eines neuen Distrikt-EBD-Zentrums beschrieben wird, das in einer traditionellen High School untergebracht ist. Ja. Ich habe gerade die Matrix zitiert. Denn – Gott weiß – die Beschäftigung mit dieser Art von Arbeit wird, ganz sicher, Öffne deine Augen für alle möglichen alternativen Realitäten. Wir sind vielleicht in der Schule, but it’s a […]