E2E бесплатные уроки недели: марш 23

Welcome (or welcome back)! Here are this week’s free lesson offerings: Free Adapted Literature Selection: A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner This retelling of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily reads at an automated readability index of grade 5/6. This text aligns to the version in Holt’s Elements of Literature: Fifth Course. Classic literature […]

Расширение возможностей сверстников для проведения уроков

One of the absolute best parts of my personal life skills class is the peer models. I’ve got truly exemplary peers leading groups in class. Now that we are trying to navigate remote learning, I appreciate then even more. They are the ones reaching out to their peers via FaceTime, text, Instagram, phone, and mail. […]

Как правильно выбрать модели сверстников для вашего класса социальных навыков

I write often about my program’s cadet teachers (сверстники). When teaching normative social skills to adolescents, tapping into the resource of other teens is powerful. While younger children may enjoy and seek the approval of teachers, teens (да, including those with intellectual disabilities, ASD, or behavior disorders) prefer acceptance and approval from people their […]

Формы сбора данных

It has long been a source of fury for me when students are moved to more restrictive settings without reliable data or without having tried every reasonable intervention to allow them to remain in the least restrictive educational setting. I’ve seen firsthand how it can turn a kid’s world upside down to be removed from […]

Adulting 101 Учебный лагерь

Работа со средней школой, которые имеют интеллектуальные инвалид приходит с огромным количеством давления. Я чувствую сильное чувство срочности. Существует насущная необходимость, чтобы помочь им подготовиться к жизни после окончания средней школы. Даже первокурсник имеет только четыре года, чтобы узнать как можно больше о том, как функции как […]

Переосмысление Как мы преподаем социальные навыки: Проект-Driven класс

У меня было очень много идей, закрученной вокруг постов блога за последние несколько месяцев, что я имел затрудняетесь с чего начать. Я был со-обучение в общих классах образования и помогают студентам в моей школе расти и развивать личный класс жизненных навыков и клуб. Процесс видеть подростков с и без […]

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

I’ve written and spoken a lot about the link between undesired behaviors and classwork that is too difficult for students. I’ve been following my convictions about this for the past year and am pleased to announce that I have opened a sister store on Teachers Pay Teachers, Универсально Разработанный. Right now, my focus is on reworking […]

Универсально Разработанный: Coming Soon!

I’ve been working on a new product line since January that I hope to roll out for a soft launch this summer. After finding that there are VERY few lower Lexile versions of texts in the most commonly-adopted literature books at my high school (and even FEWER that were actually engaging and of good quality), […]

Free Lesson: Do’s and Don’ts of Workplace Grooming Slideshow Templates

My students are focused on all things work-related between now and the end of March. We had some discussions in class yesterday about skills we wanted to make sure we addressed, and students and cadets wanted to be sure we talked about looking professional (good grooming) in the workplace. I see lots of teachers assigning […]